Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

rnagkuman unit 1 dan 2

        SAP di mulai oleh mantan karayawan di jerman menyatakan bahwa SAP adalah perangkat lunak perusahaan dan pemasok terbesar keempat di dunia perangkat lunak independen dan nama asli dari Jerman SAP adalah: Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte, bahasa Jerman untuk “Aplikasi Sistem dan Produk.” yaitu untuk menyediakan pelanggan SAP dengan kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dengan umum perusahaan database untuk berbagai komprehensif aplikasi
secara bertahap, 
       aplikasi yang telah dirakit dan perusahaan saat ini banyak, termasuk IBM dan Microsoft , Menggunakan produk SAP untuk menjalankan bisnis mereka sendiri. Aplikasi SAP, yang dibangun di sekitar mereka R terbaru / 3 sistem, memberikan kemampuan untuk mengelola keuangan, aset, dan akuntansi biaya operasi produksi, dan bahan, personil, tanaman, dan dokumen diarsipkan. 

       SAP baru-baru ini merombak penawaran produk di bawah atarmuka WEB yang komprehensif yang di sebut mySAP.com dan termasuk manajemen hunbungan pelanggan (CRM) dan manajemen rantai pemasok (SCM)sejarah pendirian SAP bermualai dari tahun
  • 1972: hanya ada 5 karyawan yaitu- Hasos Plattner , Dietmar Hopp, Claus Wellenreuther, Klaus Tschira, and, hans-Warner Hektor- launch a companycalled SAP(System analysis and Program Development) 
  • 1973; pada taun aini Software akuntansi selesai telah terbuat dan yang pertama kali RF sistem menggunakan Software ini yaitu para konsumen lokal dari perusahaan rokok yaitu Rothandle in lahr dan perusahaan Farmasi Knoll in Ludwigshafen
  • 1974: dan taun ini SAP mendemontrasikan fleksibilitasnya untuk pertama kalinyadan dalam 8 minggu dari RF sistem menjadi DOS to OS. dan siap untuk 40 perusahaan besar
  • 1976: SAP GmbH system Anwendungen an Produkte in der datenverarbeitung(System, application and product in data proceessing)

data pertumbuhan SAP 
mySAP business Suite SAP NetWeaver

One-step business
Enterprise Service Architecture
€ 0.3 milion revenue
€ 5.1 million revenue
€ 424 million revenue
€ 6.3 billion
€ 7.5 billion revenue
9 employees
60 employees
3200 employees
25000 employees
322005 employees

50 customers in 2 countries
2800 customers in 35 countries
15000 cusromers in 120 coutries
26150 customers in 120+ countries

       terlihat jelas dari pertumbuhan yang sangat signidikan dari tahun 1972 sampai 2004 pendapatan di tahun 1972 hanya 300juta euro bertambah di tahun 1979 menjadi  5.1 juta euro lalu di taun 1992 menjadi 424juta euro dan 2002 6.3miliar  dan bertamabah sebesar 1,2 miliar pada atun 2004
       jadi sangat besar keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari sistem SAP ini maka banyak perusahaan yang banyak menggunakan Sistem SAP ini untuk lebih mengefesienkan pengeluaran perusahaan dan mengefektifkan kinerja perusahaan

1.    sosial engagement :  As the leading global provider of enterprise software SAP has a resposibility to ensure that its business processes are smooth and tranperent. Howaver SAP dose just have responsibilities to its customer and partners but also to society in general.

2.     corporate citizenship : SAP would like to play its part in the creation of a prdoductive and transperent environmen that is benefit to everyone SAP promotes partnerships and cooperation with all social organizations that also respect this goal, and is actively engaged in social, scientific, and cultural activities

3.     regional engagement :  promote development-seize future opportunities thourgh innovation. “ under this motto, SAP supports organizations and institute in the local area of its branch offices

4.     goverment relation :  We take seriosly our responsibilities as competent partner an adviser, as a thought leader, and development leader. SAP therefore supports national an international programs that are customer-friendly, fair, reliable , and based on a market economy

5.     sport sponsorship : Speed, precision, and tangible result are reason behind SAP’s global leader ship ad provider of enterpries software

  • mySAP ERP: is designed in such a way that companies can implement only the business fucntion they need when they need them, simplifying upgrades and reducingtotal cost of ownership
  • mySAP ERP Financial : the aim of this solution is to a company’s founds effectively and, therefore,
    increase profitability in the long term
  • mySAP ERP Human Capital Management : every company has employees they are important resources, and mySAP ERP HCM enable you to utilize hem effectively toward the success of your company
  • mySAP Business suite : provides this flexibility in a complate package of open, integrated solution for the entire value chain
  • mySAP CRM : ia a solution that puts the customer first the customercan contact companies thourgh a number of communication channels
  • mySAP PLC : this solutions offers fuction for productdevelopment, product safety, quality, and maintenance
  • mySAP SCM : supply chain do not end at the warehouse doors. You can use mySAP SCM to plan and optimize supply chains across company boundaries
  • mySAP SRM : employess can use this solution to provide procurement with information about demand directly from their work center quickly, easily, and effectively

unit 2

The SAP GUI and SAP Log On
You can access SAP systems using front- end program with a variety of design. All SAP components are, however, accessible using a general front- end program, the SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI).

Log On Process
Before you log on for the first time, your system administrator will give you an initial password. During the process of logging on, you should enter a new password, one that you alone will know. After that, use your own password whenever you log on.

If there are system- wide message, the system message dialog box appears. After you have read the message, choose continue (or choose enter) to close the dialog box.

Multiple Logons and Multiple Sessions
There are two ways to open two SAP system: using multiple logons or using multiple sessions. Using multiple logons actually creates a brand new logon for you.

The SAP system tracks multiple logons as of SAP R/3 4.6. The primary reasons for tracking multiple logons are security and licensing. If the same user logs on more than once, then for each subsequent logon, the system displays a warning message that offers the user the following three options:
1. Continue with this logon and end any other logons of this user in the system
2. Continue with this logon without ending any other logons in the system (this is tracked)
3. Terminate this logon

An SAP screen can contain the following simple screen element:

  • Menu bar : the menu bar is the top line of any primary window in the SAP system the menus shown depend on which application you are using these menus may also contain cascading menus
  •  standard tool bar : the buttons are shown on every SAP screen if certain buttons are not available in an application  the buttons taht you cannot use are deactivated if yo place the cursor over a button for a short time, the system displays a flag with the name or function of the button
  •  title bar : the title bar names the function that you are currently using
  • apllication tool bar : the application toolbar shows the buttons available in the application that you are currently using
  • command field : start application directly by entering their transactioncode in the commad field and than can find transaction code for an application either in the overview menu on the SAP easy access screen in the status bar or in applicatio itself under system    status
  • status bar  : the status bar displays informationon the current system status, such as warningand errors
  • check boxes :  checkboxes allow you to select several opyions from a group of field
  • radio buttons : with radio buttons you can only select on option
  • tab :  a tab allows you to arganize several areas to improve calrity and oragnization of data
  • transaction code :  the function in the system has a transaction code and than can enter transaction caode in the command field to iniate the transaction
  • menus :  menus allow you to find a spesific transaction when you do not know the transaction code the menus are drop-down therefore, when you choose a menu item, further option appea
  • favorite or user menu : finnaly you have abbility to set up favoriteor user menus which allow you to navigate directlyto transaction, function, and reports that you use frequently

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